Isb Mohali Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Isb Mohali is +91 0172 459 0000 .
ISB stands for Indian School of Business which is a privately owned business school that was opened in the year 2001. It has two campuses namely Hyderabad campus and Mohali campus. Isb Mohali campus started its journey on April 14, 2012. It is spread in an area of about 70 acres. ISB Mohali provides Post-Graduate Programs. It has major four research institutes namely Max Institute of Healthcare Management, Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Munjal Global Manufacturing Institute and Punj Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure Management. The Mohali campus has various facilities such as faculty offices, the learning resource center, an auditorium, lecture theaters, faculty lounge, Wi-Fi etc. The address and contact number of Isb Mohali is also used for Isb Mohali Ranking, Isb Mohali Admissions, Isb Mohali Placements, Isb Mohali Fees, Isb Mohali Jobs, Isb Mohali Address and Isb Mohali Gmat Cut Off.

Isb Mohali Address

The address of Isb Mohali is Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Mohali - 140306, Punjab, India.

Isb Mohali Website

The Website of Isb Mohali is

Isb Mohali Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Isb Mohali is +91 0172 459 0000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Isb Mohali Service Center and Isb Mohali customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Isb Mohali customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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