Itm Kharghar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Itm Kharghar is +91 22 3383 5500,+91 22 3383 5518,+91 22 3383 5579 .
The ITM - Group of Institutions has a successful and a vivid inhabitant of learners in its campuses across the country, which makes a unique community environment motivating serious study and self improvement. ITM is amongst the first private business school in India, established in the year of 1991. It has expanded its footprint and established a number of institutions at different locations such as ITM - Global Leadership Center (GLC) in kharghar, Navi Mumbai, ITM - Institute for Hotel Management in Mumbai, ITM - Institute of Financial Markets in Kharghar (E), Navi Mumbai, ITM - Institute of Health Sciences in Nagpur, Maharashtra etc.

Itm Kharghar Address

The address of Itm Kharghar is Plot 25 & 26, Institutional Area, Sector 4, Kharghar East, Navi Mumbai 410210, India.

Itm Kharghar Website

The Website of Itm Kharghar is

Itm Kharghar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Itm Kharghar is +91 22 3383 5500,+91 22 3383 5518,+91 22 3383 5579 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Itm Kharghar Service Center and Itm Kharghar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Itm Kharghar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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