Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia is 03 - 8885 1000 .
Malaysia Department of Insolvency (regionally known as Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia) is a government department, which manages the bankruptcy cases. The agency also manages the winding up companies and other deregistered organizations and unions. The main functions of the company are to find the property, ascertainment of debt and providing the payments to the creditors. Malaysia Department of Insolvency constantly follows the plans, which are out of its functions so that information can be expanded and awareness can be created. The department had organized 114 programs in 2012 for government agencies, private agencies, Institutions/students and other programs with the bankrupts. The address and contact number of title is also used for Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia cawangan melaka, Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia pulau pinang, Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia taiping, fungsi Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysiadirektori Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia, alamat Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia and Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia putrajaya.

Fax No: 03 - 8885 1303

Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia Address

The address of Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia is Malaysia Department of Insolvency, Level 2-3, Legal Affairs Building, Precint 3, Federal Government Administrative Centre 62692 Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia Website

The Website of Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia is www.insolvensi.gov.my.

Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia is 03 - 8885 1000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia Service Center and Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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