Jack Canfield Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jack Canfield is +805-563-2935 .
Jack Canfield is the United State's inspirational speaker and writer. He was born on 1944 and well known as the co-creator of the Chicken Soup. Jack Canfield currently has approximately two hundred headings, 112 thousand copies in print in more than forty languages. Chicken Soup for the Soul and several of the series titles by Mr. Jack Canfield and his partner Mr. Mark Victor Hansen, were in the top 150 most selling books of the last fifteen years from 1993 till 2008. Jack Canfield on 2004 established the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of writers, trainers, speakers and other leaders in the areas of personal and professional development.

Jack Canfield Address

The address of Jack Canfield is P.O. Box 30880, Santa Barbara, CA 93130, California, United States.

Jack Canfield Website

The Website of Jack Canfield is www.jackcanfield.com.

Jack Canfield Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jack Canfield is +805-563-2935 (Click phone number to call).

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