Jagannath Temple Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jagannath Temple Chennai is (044) 27472141 .
Jagannath Puri Temple Chennai is a Hindu Temple located in Kanathur, Chennai, India. It is dedicated to Shri Vishnu as Jagannath along with Balaram and Subhadra. The main Festival celebrated at this Temple is Rathyatra. The Shrine is built in Oriya style made up of black granite from Kancheepuram and white marble from Rajasthan. The Pooja is performed in Oriya style and the priests are also from Orissa. Rath for Lord Jagannath is made of stainless steel which is decorated with wood and cloth. The deities of this temple are made of neem wood.

Jagannath Temple Chennai Address

The address of Jagannath Temple Chennai is Kanathur Reddy Kuppam Near Mayajaal Kanchipuram District, Kovalam, Chennai - 603112 India.

Jagannath Temple Chennai Email Address

The email address of Jagannath Temple Chennai is jagannath@ori.nic.in.

Jagannath Temple Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jagannath Temple Chennai is (044) 27472141 (Click phone number to call).

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