Jahra Hospital Kuwait Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jahra Hospital Kuwait is +965 245 89717,Fax +965 245 89717 .
The Jahra hospital Kuwait is located in the Kuwait city. They are well-known for providing anesthesia to the patients and treating the persons who need intensive care. It is considered as a meeting point for Anesthetists. Medical students from Canada, Egypt, India and Kuwait come here to impart training in anesthesiology. The new type of services that they provide include the acute pain service, labor analgesia, bariatric service, closed ICU system, IVF unit, regional anesthesia, and day care surgery.
The other services that they generally provides includes the general anesthesia; Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia, critical care, and obstetrics. The most specialized service that they provide is the regional anesthesiology.

Jahra Hospital Kuwait Address

The address of Jahra Hospital Kuwait is P.O. Box: 40206, Code: 01753 Alsafat, Al-Jahra Health district.

Jahra Hospital Kuwait Website

The Website of Jahra Hospital Kuwait is www.anesthesiajahra.com.

Jahra Hospital Kuwait Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jahra Hospital Kuwait is +965 245 89717,Fax +965 245 89717 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jahra Hospital Kuwait Service Center and Jahra Hospital Kuwait customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Jahra Hospital Kuwait customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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