Jain Temple Singapore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jain Temple Singapore is +(65) 67427829 .
Jains have settled in Singapore between 1910- 1914. In year 1972 Singapore Jain Religious Society was formed and registered as religious society. Jainism is a part of Indian tradition and culture. In year 1978 a two storey building was constructed and opened for religious functions. The ground floor of this building has Kitchen, Parking lots and store. The second floor has office, library and a hall which is used for religious activities. The Library has religious and cultural books. According to the Constitution of Singapore Jain Religious Society, any Jain could become a member of this society and carry out religious activities keeping in mind the fundamentals of Jainism. Tapasyas and Varsitaps are also performed in this building. This building as officially named as Sthanak. In year 1995, new modern building with air-conditioned prayer hall on second floor was built and this building was named as Smt. Nirmalaben Chandulal Doshi Jain Sthanak. Sthanak premises are also used for marriage and social activities by the members of the Society.

Jain Temple Singapore Address

The address of Jain Temple Singapore is Katong, P. O. Box 106, Singapore 914304.

Jain Temple Singapore Email Address

The email address of Jain Temple Singapore is sjrs@sjrs.org.sg.

Jain Temple Singapore Website

The Website of Jain Temple Singapore is www.sjrs.org.sg.

Jain Temple Singapore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jain Temple Singapore is +(65) 67427829 (Click phone number to call).

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