Jaipur Literature Festival Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jaipur Literature Festival is + 91 141 4037555 .
The DSC Jaipur Literature Festival takes place in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India since 2006. It is an annual Literary Festival and is the largest literary festival in Asia-Pacific. It is the most prestigious celebration of national and international literature held in India. The main venue of the festival is served by The Diggi Palace Hotel and is held during the month of January each year. The directors of the festival are writers Namita Goakhle and William Dalrymple and Sunjoy Roy is the producer of the Teamwork Productions. The events at the festival are free.

Jaipur Literature Festival Address

The address of Jaipur Literature Festival is Diggi House, Sawai Ram Singh Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Jaipur Literature Festival Email Address

The email address of Jaipur Literature Festival is info@jaipurliteraturefestival.com.

Jaipur Literature Festival Website

The Website of Jaipur Literature Festival is www.jaipurliteraturefestival.com.

Jaipur Literature Festival Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jaipur Literature Festival is + 91 141 4037555 (Click phone number to call).

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