Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad is +91 992 807 1112, Fax: (+91) 141 2786340 .
Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad is a non-profit Organization devoted to the development of rural Rajasthan and development of humanity. It works for the generation of livelihood, agricultural development imparting education, sanitation program and conduction defluoridation. Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad works for the betterment of Socio-economic, educational and cultural aspects of humanity. It works in Ajmer, Baran, Dasua and Bikaner districts at present. It works to increase agricultural productivity and food security, protect the environment and reduce poverty in rural areas of Rajasthan.

Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad Address

The address of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad is Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad 80/179, Maharishi Gautam Marg, Mansarover, Jaipur – 302 020 Rajasthan, India.

Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad Email Address

The email address of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad is jzvp@jaipurparishad.org.

Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad Website

The Website of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad is www.jaipurparishad.org.

Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad is +91 992 807 1112, Fax: (+91) 141 2786340 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad Service Center and Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Jaipur Zila Vikas Parishad customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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