James Logan High School Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of James Logan High School is +1 510-471-2520, Fax: 510-471-0514 .
James Logan also known as "Logan" is a secondary School. It was founded in 1959 by Mr Andrew Logan and named the school after his father James Logan. School Provides education from grade 9 to 12 with strength of 4000 students approximately. School got its recognition from California Department of Education. School area is expanded into 64 acres of land and has 159 class rooms, Arts Theatre, Sports Complex, gymnasium, dance studio, Football stadium, Library and swimming pools.

James Logan High School Address

The address of James Logan High School is 1800 H Street, Union City, California 94587, United States.

James Logan High School Website

The Website of James Logan High School is www.jameslogan.org.

James Logan High School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of James Logan High School is +1 510-471-2520, Fax: 510-471-0514 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of James Logan High School Service Center and James Logan High School customer phone number is given below. The helpline of James Logan High School customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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