Jbl Jakarta Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jbl Jakarta is +62-21-26538568, Fax No- +62-21-63855950 .
JBL works in the two independent divisions Jbl consumer and JBL professional. The company primary produced the loudspeaker and associate Electronic products as audio equipment for the home market. But latter JBL is produces professional equipment for the studio, installed sound, tour sound, portable sound (production and DJ), and cinema markets. JBL is totally owned subsidiary company of Harman International, It is an electronics company based on America. The company was incorporated by the James Bullough Lansing in the year of 1946. JBL Head office is situated in Northridge, California, United States. JBL product are includes iPod docking line products scuh as JBL on Stage Micro Blk, OS-400BLK, JBL on Time 400IHD, JBL on Time 200ID, JBL on Stage 400ID, JBL on Stage Micro Silver, JBL on Stage Micro Black, JBL on Stage III, JBL on Stage IIIP, JBL on Stage 200ID etc. The company also offers Home Audio Series product like JBL Cinema Sound, Array series, Control Series, Ht Series, HTI Series, K2 Series, on-The-Go, Performance Series, SCS Series, Sound point Series, Studio L Series, Synthesis, JBL Duet, JBL ES series. PT Inti Megah Swara is an Authorised service centers of JBL, which is located in JI Sangaji No-38, 6th Floor, Jakarta-10130, Indonesia.

Jbl Jakarta Address

The address of Jbl Jakarta is JI Sangaji No-38, 6th Floor, Jakarta-10130, Indonesia.

Jbl Jakarta Email Address

The email address of Jbl Jakarta is epribadi@imsindo.co.id.

Jbl Jakarta Website

The Website of Jbl Jakarta is www.jbl.com.

Jbl Jakarta Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jbl Jakarta is +62-21-26538568, Fax No- +62-21-63855950 (Click phone number to call).

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