Laurier Brantford Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Laurier Brantford is +1 519-756-8228 .
Laurier Brantford is one of the campuses of the Wilfrid Laurier University situated at 73 George Street, Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University has mainly three campuses which are Waterloo campus, Brantford campus and Kitchener campus. Brantford campus was established in the year 1999 with 39 students. It has more than 2,700 students. The Laurier Brantford campus has multiple academic and residence buildings, some of them are Post House, the Carnegie Building, Grand River Hall, Rizzo and Lucy Marco Place. It is affiliated to AUCC, IAU, COU, ACU, CIS, CUSID, Fields Institute and OUA. Michael Lee-Chin is the chancellor of the Brantford campus. The Laurier Brantford campus provides various facilities such as academic theaters, residences, library and a gym facility. Laurier Library works as a part of the Brantford Public Library. The library has a large collection of 9000 Laurier books, a media collection and educational kits. The Laurier Brantford campus offers undergraduate courses to the students regarding Business Technology Management, Arts and Science in Health Studies. The address and contact number of Laurier Brantford is also used for Laurier Brantford Academic Advising, Laurier Brantford Jobs, Laurier Brantford Tours, Laurier Brantford Health Services, Laurier Brantford Online Courses and Laurier Brantford Writing Centre.

Laurier Brantford Address

The address of Laurier Brantford is 73 George Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2Y3, Canada.

Laurier Brantford Email Address

The email address of Laurier Brantford is

Laurier Brantford Website

The Website of Laurier Brantford is

Laurier Brantford Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Laurier Brantford is +1 519-756-8228 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Laurier Brantford Service Center and Laurier Brantford customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Laurier Brantford customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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