Lethbridge Regional Hospital Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lethbridge Regional Hospital is 403-382-6111,Fax 403-388-6011 .
Lethbridge Regional hospital is one of the few hospitals with a 24 hour emergency response units in Southern Alberta. This clinic service covers residents of large numbers near about 150,000. The base foundation of the hospital is sponsored by Chinook regional hospital and later renamed by this name in 2006. Alberta Health Services play a major role for the development and the assurance of the hospital. The best part of choosing the official administrator by the minister of health results in better functioning of the management of the hospital. The customer service also plays a crucial role for transforming the health system to a greater growth by patients, families and local Albert residents. In 2011 an advisory council had been recognized and accepted by the Albert Health Services Board of hospital. The fully Integrated system of hospital has wavering facilities such as hundred acute care hospitals, 8,230 acute care beds, five mental treatment amenities, anesthetic units and forty one prime care linkages. Capable Ambulance service also played a major part in emergency division to improve the health status of hospital.

Galt Hospital is the first main hospital in Lethbridge and opened in the year of 1891. In 24 June 1988 the Alberta Department of Health opened the Lethbridge Regional Hospital. Dr. John Hasell is a famous certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon that serves patients from Alberta and other related state. The hospital foundation increases, receives and distributes the money for instruments and programs for the well care status of the patients. Physicians play an important role for promoting health and preventive programs according to the needs of patients. There are competent qualified trainers to support the health of entire community to be in a hygienic state. The Aboriginal health program is the major Goal to facilitate the authority to provide the high quality health care of Alberta people. Helipad is used in hospital for carrying the patents in to Calgary for treatment with more facilities based on requirement. Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) air ambulance service is one of the main tools for operating the heliport. The breast Feeding support service in Lethbridge Hospital is one of the premier programs that initiate prenatal breast feeding classes in Alberta.
Currently Lethbridge hospital brings a superlative health care services and foundation programs to the people of the community.

Lethbridge Regional Hospital Address

The address of Lethbridge Regional Hospital is 960-19 Street South, Lethbridge, AB, T1J 1W5, Canada.

Lethbridge Regional Hospital Website

The Website of Lethbridge Regional Hospital is www.crhfoundation.ca.

Lethbridge Regional Hospital Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lethbridge Regional Hospital is 403-382-6111,Fax 403-388-6011 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lethbridge Regional Hospital Service Center and Lethbridge Regional Hospital customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lethbridge Regional Hospital customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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