Lizard Lick Towing Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lizard Lick Towing is +1 919-365-4388 .
Lizard Lick Towing is an American reality Show aired in TruTV from 07 February, 2011 till present. The Show series is known as “All Worked Up". The show is about a Towing and Recovery Company named Lizard Lick Towing. The Company is owned by Ronnie Shirley and his wife Amy Shirley. Ron is the President of the Repossession Company and his wife Shirley is the Vice President. Bobby's role is to protect Ronnie; Steve is the Recovery Manager; Ricky – Master Agent of Repossession; Roger is the Night Shift Tow Pro; Shawn & Patty are the staffs of the Lizard Office. The show's rating has increased as it shows the fights during recovery.

Lizard Lick Towing Address

The address of Lizard Lick Towing is 2605 North Carolina 97, Wendell, North Caolina 27591, United States.

Lizard Lick Towing Website

The Website of Lizard Lick Towing is

Lizard Lick Towing Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lizard Lick Towing is +1 919-365-4388 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lizard Lick Towing Service Center and Lizard Lick Towing customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lizard Lick Towing customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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