Lowell House Harvard Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lowell House Harvard is +1-617-495-2283 .
Lowell House is the residential houses of the Harvard College situated on Holyoke Place, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. The house was founded in the year of 1930. Lowell House is also known as Lowellians or Lowell family. Diana Eck and Dorothy Austin are currently housemasters of the Lowell House. It has more than 500 students. The house provides a wide range of facilities to its students such as Room Reservations, Dining Hall, Grille, Kitchen, Senior Common Room, Coolidge Room, Tower Room, Special-Purpose Rooms like art rooms, Bicycle Storage, Dance Studio, Gym, Music Practice Rooms, Library and Squash Courts. The address and contact number of Lowell House Harvard is also used for Harvard housing day, Lowell house events, Lowell house Opera scenes, Tosca Lowell house opera, Harvard Lowell grille, Lowell house tutors Lowell house map.
Fax No: 617-495-2523

Lowell House Harvard Address

The address of Lowell House Harvard is 10 Holyoke Place, Cambridge, 02138, Massachusetts, United States.

Lowell House Harvard Email Address

The email address of Lowell House Harvard is lowell@fas.harvard.edu.

Lowell House Harvard Website

The Website of Lowell House Harvard is www.lowell.harvard.edu.

Lowell House Harvard Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lowell House Harvard is +1-617-495-2283 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lowell House Harvard Service Center and Lowell House Harvard customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lowell House Harvard customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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