Luminous Inverter Amritsar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Luminous Inverter Amritsar is 9417580576, 7508163096 .
Luminous Power Technologies (P) Limited is an India based private company of electrical goods which is engaged in the serving of its customers since the foundation year 1988. The company is mainly involved in the manufacturing of Inverters, Solar Inverters and Batteries, Power Storage Systems, Automotive Batteries, Inverter Batteries and Traction Batteries. It has a strong network with 28 sales offices, 7 production plants and approximately 40000 channel partners across the country. Shree Krishna Batteries is a local service center of Luminous and such other brands like Exide located in Amritsar, Punjab, India. The Corresponding services of Luminous Inverter Amritsar service center are Luminous service center in Amritsar and Luminous Inverter authorized service center.

Luminous Inverter Amritsar Address

The address of Luminous Inverter Amritsar is Shop No 16-c, I/s B.K Dutt Gate, Hindu College Market, Amritsar GPO, Amritsar, Punjab, India.

Luminous Inverter Amritsar Website

The Website of Luminous Inverter Amritsar is

Luminous Inverter Amritsar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Luminous Inverter Amritsar is 9417580576, 7508163096 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Luminous Inverter Amritsar Service Center and Luminous Inverter Amritsar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Luminous Inverter Amritsar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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