Makita Richmond Bc Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Makita Richmond Bc is 1-800-663-0909, Fax No: 604-272-5416 .
The Makita Corporation is a manufacturing company of Japan that is known for professional and consumer power tools, and the company was founded in 1915 by Mosaburo Makita and three employees. They had started their business with the repairing of electrical motors, and on that time, the company's name was Makita Electric Works. After some time, the company was started its business into the making of electrical motors, and in the beginning of 1958, Makita was produced its first power tool, an electric planer. During its 98 years journey, it has introduced several power tools for numerous applications. The company is involved in the manufacturing of portable electric, pneumatic power tools, saws tools, outdoor power equipment, cordless tools and such other tools. The company has a largest name in Japan, Germany, China, the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. In Canada region, the company was entered as Makita Canada Inc in Scarborough, Ontario in 1973. Later in 1982, Makita's office was moved to Whitby, Ontario. It's regional sales offices are located in Richmond, Bc and St. Leonard, Quebec. Its authorized services center are located across the country.

Makita Richmond Bc Address

The address of Makita Richmond Bc is 11771, Hammersmith Way, Richmond, BC, V7a 5h6, Canada.

Makita Richmond Bc Website

The Website of Makita Richmond Bc is

Makita Richmond Bc Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Makita Richmond Bc is 1-800-663-0909, Fax No: 604-272-5416 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Makita Richmond Bc Service Center and Makita Richmond Bc customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Makita Richmond Bc customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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