Maldives Island Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Maldives Island is +(960) 332 3228 .
On Our website, we provide contact number of Maldives marketing and public relation corporation, a local Maldives guide company.
Maldive Islands is Island country in Indian Ocean and is consists of 26 atolls. The nation is located 400 kilomertres away India and 700 kilometres away from Sri Lanka. Male is its capital. Maldive became independent country on 26 July 1965. Spread in 298 square Kilometer the country has total 328,536 population. The address and contact number of title is also used for Maldives Island Honeymoon Packages, Maldives Island Pictures, Maldives Island Map, Maldives Island Package, Maldives Location, Maldives Resorts, Maldives Island List and Maldives Island Names.

Fax No: +(960) 332 3229

Maldives Island Address

The address of Maldives Island is Maldive Islands, Maldive.

Maldives Island Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maldives Island is +(960) 332 3228 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maldives Island Service Center and Maldives Island customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Maldives Island customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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