Mall Cribbs Causeway Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Mall Cribbs Causeway is +44 117 950 0513 .
The Mall is a famous and fashionable shopping mall which is situated on the road cribs causeway, South Gloucestershire England. The mall was opened on 1998 and owned by the Intu Properties Prudential. It includes more than 130 stores on two levels only and the other levels are reserved by the major shops. Some of its anchor stores are River island, John Lewis, plus BHS, Marks & spencer, H&M, Next and many more. In the Heart of the mall, there is a beautiful Fountain along with a water appearance and Copper pipes. The fountain is acts like charity box as visitors throw money into the fountain for donations.

Mall Cribbs Causeway Address

The address of Mall Cribbs Causeway is Unit 122 Upper Level, The Mall, Cribbs Causeway Regional Shooping Centre, Patchway, City of Bristol BS34 5UP, United Kingdom.

Mall Cribbs Causeway Email Address

The email address of Mall Cribbs Causeway is

Mall Cribbs Causeway Website

The Website of Mall Cribbs Causeway is

Mall Cribbs Causeway Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Mall Cribbs Causeway is +44 117 950 0513 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Mall Cribbs Causeway Service Center and Mall Cribbs Causeway customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Mall Cribbs Causeway customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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