Medical University of Lublin Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Medical University of Lublin is +48 81 528 84 00 .
Medical University of Lublin is a public university established on 1950 at Lublin, Poland. As the years passed, several new departments have been introduced into the university such as Department of Dentistry. It serves education regarding the courses for Medicines, Pharmacy and dentistry. Very famous personality Stanislaw Burzynski who is a cancer researcher has completed his PhD from the Lublin University. In 1961, Professor Tadeusz Krwawicz from poland has identified the cryoprobe as intracapsular cataract extraction

Medical University of Lublin Address

The address of Medical University of Lublin is Aleje Raclawickie 1, Lublin, Poland.

Medical University of Lublin Website

The Website of Medical University of Lublin is

Medical University of Lublin Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Medical University of Lublin is +48 81 528 84 00 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Medical University of Lublin Service Center and Medical University of Lublin customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Medical University of Lublin customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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