Middle East International School Riyadh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Middle East International School Riyadh is +966 (1)4161205, Fax:+966 (1)4627527 .
Middle East International School is a leading educational institution located in Ash Shaikh Subah Al Ahmad, Sulaimaniyah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia which also known as MEIS. The school provides model education for a successful Future to its students. The school was founded in the year of 1998. And since the establishment, Middle East International School has embossed as one of the major educational institutions in Riyadh.

The school is devoted to supporting an worldwide combination of students meet the present's difficulties and become global citizens through collaboration and team performance, and Effort to create a safe, helpful educational setting favorable to learning, which provides authority and character-building possibilities to all. To learn more information about the Middle East International School(MEIS), log on to the official website. The address and contact number of Middle East International School Riyadh is also used for Middle East International School Sulaimaniya Riyadh, Middle East International School Riyadh American Section, Middle East International School Riyadh Fees, Middle East International School Riyadh Naseem and Middle East International School Riyadh French Section.

Middle East International School Riyadh Address

The address of Middle East International School Riyadh is KSA, Riyadh, Solimania Area, P.O.Box 75157, Riyadh 11578, Saudi Arabia.

Middle East International School Riyadh Email Address

The email address of Middle East International School Riyadh is info@mei-school.com.

Middle East International School Riyadh Website

The Website of Middle East International School Riyadh is mei-school.com.

Middle East International School Riyadh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Middle East International School Riyadh is +966 (1)4161205, Fax:+966 (1)4627527 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Middle East International School Riyadh Service Center and Middle East International School Riyadh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Middle East International School Riyadh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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