Nexian Madiun Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nexian Madiun is +62-351-464724 .
Nexian is an Indonesia based manufacturing company that makes mobile phone and its accessories with unique techniques. The company is in this business since 2006, and it was originated by the toil of Martono Jayakusuma. Nexian has introduced several models in numerous categories such as QWERTY, single SIM, Dual SIM, tablet etc. For some models, Nexian has used the android operating system, and for its QWERTY models, it has used Indonesian mobile operators. Nexian gives dashing look, slim body, Multi features and good configuration to make its models unique and attractive. Nexian was launched its first Android smartphone, the Android A890 in 2011 with single SIM card slot. In the same year, it was also launched its new and second smartphone, Nexian Journey NX-A890 with same operating system, but in this models, Naxian was included dual SIM card slot. Besides these models, Naxian is also known as an inventor of some other models with different and extra features. For its fabulous designs, best prices, selling and services, Nexian has been awarded by several awards. Jumbo Shop is a service center of mobile phones, and it has several well trained technicians. They are provided services for Nexian mobile phones. They always strive to give superior services for visitors. The service center is located in Madiun area of Indonesia. Besides this area, Nexian's authorized service centers are located across the country.

Nexian Madiun Address

The address of Nexian Madiun is Jumbo Shop, Jl HOS Cokroaminoto, No.159, Madiun, Indonesia.

Nexian Madiun Website

The Website of Nexian Madiun is

Nexian Madiun Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nexian Madiun is +62-351-464724 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nexian Madiun Service Center and Nexian Madiun customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nexian Madiun customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Nexian Madiun. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Nexian Madiun will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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