Nissan Tawau Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nissan Tawau is +60-89-750 076, Fax No: +60-89-766 076 .
Nissan Motor Company Limited or Nissan is an automotive and financial services company which had started its business in the end of 1933, and the company was originated by Masujiro Hashimoto, Kenjiro Den, Meitaro Takeuchi, Rokuro Aoyama and Yoshisuke Aikawa. The company is serving in worldwide, and to control its worldwide business, the company's command office is located in Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. Nissan is known as a brand of four wheeler vehicles, and always, it makes a whole range of cars, forklifts, motorboats, trucks and also rockets. Today in worldwide, the company has a largest network, and it has sold more than 600 million vehicles since the foundation. In Malaysian automobile industry, the company had entered as Tan Chong Motors in the decade of 1950, and it had began its business as a small distributor of motor vehicles. Today, the Tan Chong Motors has a well name and mostly known as a franchise holder for Nissan and Datsun.

Nissan Tawau Address

The address of Nissan Tawau is TB 4206, Batu 1 1/2, Jalan Sin On, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia.

Nissan Tawau Website

The Website of Nissan Tawau is

Nissan Tawau Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nissan Tawau is +60-89-750 076, Fax No: +60-89-766 076 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nissan Tawau Service Center and Nissan Tawau customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nissan Tawau customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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