North Malabar Gramin Bank Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of North Malabar Gramin Bank is +91-497-2701221, 2706225 .
North Malabar Gramin Bank became a Kerala Gramin Bank (KGB) on July 8th, 2013 which is one of among the regional rural banks in Kerala owned by the state government. Kerala Gramin Bank is founded under the RRB Act 1976 with merge of two banks namely North Malabar Gramin Bank and South Malabar Gramin Bank. The bank offers a variety of banking and financial products to the customers of rural areas such as Home Loans,Agricultural Loans, Educational and Vehicle Loans. The primary Aim of Kerala Gramin Bank (KGB) is to improve non-urban financial condition, and to promote business, housing, education, weaker sections, agriculture, SC/ST communities, and small and medium enterprises in the rural areas of Kerala. The address and contact number of North Malabar Gramin Bank is also used for North Malabar Gramin Bank Recruitment, North Malabar Gramin Bank Branches, North Malabar Gramin Bank Ifsc Code, North Malabar Gramin Bank Gold Loan Interest, North Malabar Gramin Bank Education Loan, North Malabar Gramin Bank Kaloor Branch and North Malabar Gramin Bank Result.

North Malabar Gramin Bank Address

The address of North Malabar Gramin Bank is KGB Towers, P.O. Pallikunnu Kannur, Kerala-670004, India.

North Malabar Gramin Bank Email Address

The email address of North Malabar Gramin Bank is

North Malabar Gramin Bank Website

The Website of North Malabar Gramin Bank is

North Malabar Gramin Bank Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of North Malabar Gramin Bank is +91-497-2701221, 2706225 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of North Malabar Gramin Bank Service Center and North Malabar Gramin Bank customer phone number is given below. The helpline of North Malabar Gramin Bank customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against North Malabar Gramin Bank. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that North Malabar Gramin Bank will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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