Ottawa Tire Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ottawa Tire is +1-613-747-3420, +1-888-525-8473, Fax No-+1-613-747-4145 .
In the year of 1953, Tom Foord had established a new service station named "Kal Tire" in Vernon, British Columbia. It is one of the biggest service stations of tires in United States that provides an extensive range of customer's tire requirements. The second service station was established in 1955 to serve the local forest industry. "Kal Tire" offers top quality products at affordable prices. The service center is engaged to provide the 24 hour emergency services and its services include Batteries, Farm Tires, Industrial Pneumatic, Mechanical, Passenger & Light Truck Tires, Heavy Truck Alignment, Light Duty Fleet Service, Tire Storage, Truck & Trailer Alignments, Brakes, Industrial Incl. Solids, Chains, Car & Truck Alignment, Shocks & Struts, Retreading Service, Farm Service, OTR Road Service, Truck Services, Wheels and Rims etc. Kal Tire is a service center of Tires located in Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3V8, Canada, United States. The Kal Tire business hours are Monday to Friday 07:30 AM to 06:00 PM, Saturday 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM, Sunday closed. The Corresponding services of Ottawa Tire service center are Ottawa Tire storage, Ottawa Tire change and Ottawa Tire discounter.

Ottawa Tire Address

The address of Ottawa Tire is 2825 Sheffield Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3V8, Canada, United States.

Ottawa Tire Website

The Website of Ottawa Tire is

Ottawa Tire Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ottawa Tire is +1-613-747-3420, +1-888-525-8473, Fax No-+1-613-747-4145 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ottawa Tire Service Center and Ottawa Tire customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ottawa Tire customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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