Phone Number of
Prc Legazpi is
(052) 4813079 .
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) designs and implements various policies on licensing of many occupations in Philippines. The commission operates to secure the national reliability and trustworthy.
Prc is the three man commission and its office is attached to President's office. The commission is the agency in professional sector and plays an important role in developing the professionals for industry, governance and other sectors. PRC has started its operations on January 2, 1974 and had P304.0 million total
Budget in 2007. It has obtained ISO 9002 certification in 1999.
Fax No: (082) 481-3323
The address and contact number of Prc Legazpi is also used for
Prc Legazpi Let Result,
Prc Rating,
Prc Legazpi Location and
Prc Legazpi Oath Taking.
Prc Legazpi Address
The address of Prc Legazpi is Regional Office No 5, Regional Government Center Site, Rawis, Legaspi City, Philippines.
Prc Legazpi Email Address
The email address of Prc Legazpi is
Prc Legazpi Website
The Website of Prc Legazpi is
Prc Legazpi Customer Support Service Phone Number
The customer support phone number of Prc Legazpi is
(052) 4813079 (Click phone number to call).
The postal and
official address, email address and
phone number (
helpline) of
Prc Legazpi Service Center and
Prc Legazpi customer phone number is given below. The
helpline of Prc Legazpi customer phone number may or may not be
toll free.
Click Here To View Prc Legazpi Customer Service Phone Numbers