Pucl Jaipur Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Pucl Jaipur is +91 141 2206139 .
People’s Union for Civil Liberties is a Human Right’s Body. It was founded by Veteran Socialist leader Jayaprakash Narayan in year 1976 as the People’s Union for Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights PUCLDR. Narayan was actually intended to make PUCLR an organization free from political ideologies and for the defence of Civil Liberties and Human Rights. PUCL has office in Jaipur located in Shanti Niketan Colony, Kisan Marg, Jaipur. The cases of the bonded labourers and children in prison have been brought to light by PUCL. All the expenses at PUCL are met by the members and activists.

Pucl Jaipur Address

The address of Pucl Jaipur is 76 Shanti Niketan Colony, Kisan Marg, Jaipur 302015 Rajasthan India.

Pucl Jaipur Email Address

The email address of Pucl Jaipur is puclnat@gmail.com.

Pucl Jaipur Website

The Website of Pucl Jaipur is www.pucl.org.

Pucl Jaipur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Pucl Jaipur is +91 141 2206139 (Click phone number to call).

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