Redington Riyadh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Redington Riyadh is 00966-4645850, 00966-2181345 .
Redington is one of the premier manufacturing company of Lifestyle, Telecom, Information Technology and consumer electronics products that was started its journey on January 1, 1961. It is headquartered in Chennai, India and Singapore. Professor J Ramachandran is the chairman of the company and R Srinivasan is the managing director. It has its own six subsidiaries namely Cadensworth India Limited, Redington Distribution Pte Ltd, Redington International Mauritius Limited, Nook Micro Distribution Limited, Redington India Investments Pvt ltd and Easyaccess Financial Services Limited. Redington operates in 18 countries. It has one of the service center in Riyadh situated on above address. The Corresponding services of Redington Riyadh service center are Redington Riyadh authorized service center and Redington Arabia Riyadh.
Fax: 966-14664212

Redington Riyadh Address

The address of Redington Riyadh is PO Box 62918, Riyadh 11595, Al Salaam Building, Olaya Main Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Redington Riyadh Email Address

The email address of Redington Riyadh is

Redington Riyadh Website

The Website of Redington Riyadh is

Redington Riyadh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Redington Riyadh is 00966-4645850, 00966-2181345 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Redington Riyadh Service Center and Redington Riyadh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Redington Riyadh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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