Samsung Alappuzha Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Samsung Alappuzha is 0477-2243424 .
Samsung Group was established by Byung-Chull Lee in 1938, and then, the group had starting its business with the exporting of dried fishes, vegetables and fruits in Korea to Manchuria and Beijing. Immediately after that, the company had also began the small-scale making by setting up flour mills and confectionery machines. After the success in 1969, the company had entered into the electronics industry with the opening of new company, Samsung Electronics. In the beginning, the company name was Samsung Electric Industries which had been changed into current name in the year 1988. Since the opening, the company has focused on four core markets like- Home Multimedia, Mobile Multimedia, Personal Multimedia and Core Components. Samsung Electronics Company is divided into 4 main group and 14 divisions: Digital Media, Information and Communications, Semiconductors and Home Appliances. To know about its divisions, visit on the official website. Friends Electronics is known as authorized service center of Samsung that is specialized in the offering of repairing service for telecommunications products including mobile phones, smart phones, tablets and accessories. The service center is located on below written address that provides its services for Alappuzha and neighbour areas.

Samsung Alappuzha Address

The address of Samsung Alappuzha is 1st Floor, Sasmahal Shoping Complex, Alappuzha Muncipal Ward, Vazhichery Road, Alappuzha, Karela, India.

Samsung Alappuzha Email Address

The email address of Samsung Alappuzha is

Samsung Alappuzha Website

The Website of Samsung Alappuzha is

Samsung Alappuzha Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Samsung Alappuzha is 0477-2243424 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Samsung Alappuzha Service Center and Samsung Alappuzha customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Samsung Alappuzha customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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