School of Engineering Cardiff Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of School of Engineering Cardiff is +44 29 2087 4070 .
The School of Engineering of Uk is an engineering school that comes under a research university of Cardiff, the Cardiff University was founded in 1883. The Schools comes between the top 10 Engineering Schools which belongs to the United Kingdom, and the school has acquired a good reputation to provide the superior education in several subjects of worldwide education industry. The school provides many programs in the department of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Electronic Engineering. More than 1,200 undergraduate students are studying under more than 100 academic staff, 170 research and technical staffs in this school. Besides this, approximately 400 undergraduate students are also completing their education in PhD and MSc programmes each year. The address and contact number of School of Engineering Cardiff is also used for Cardiff School of Engineering Current Students, Cardiff School of Engineering Enrolment, Cardiff School of Engineering It Help Desk, Cardiff School of Engineering Ranking and Cardiff School of Engineering Modules.

School of Engineering Cardiff Address

The address of School of Engineering Cardiff is 14-17, The Parade Trevithick Bldg, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 3AA, United Kingdom.

School of Engineering Cardiff Website

The Website of School of Engineering Cardiff is

School of Engineering Cardiff Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of School of Engineering Cardiff is +44 29 2087 4070 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of School of Engineering Cardiff Service Center and School of Engineering Cardiff customer phone number is given below. The helpline of School of Engineering Cardiff customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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