School of Infantry Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of School of Infantry is 910-449-0658, 910-449-0223, 910-449-0247 .
The School of Infantry (SOI) is the 2nd level of training for newly selected persons in army, in United States. The training is divided in two parts i.e. SOI East and SOI West and is offered at two different locations. Female candidates are trained at MCRD Parris Island and SOI East. The School of Infantry makes every Marine a good rifleman. The training changed a professional Marine to the combat ready Marine. It was started in 1953 at Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton. The School of Infantry consists of classroom instruction, live fire and other types of training. All these training are provides under the guidance of Marine Combat Instructors. The address and contact number of School of Infantry is also used for School of Infantry Training Schedule, School of Infantry West Training Matrix, School of Infantry Ribbon and School of Infantry Instructor.

Other Important Contacts:
Student Mailing Address: MCT BN, SOI-E, MCB, PSC BOX 20161, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28542-0161
Officer of the Day: 910-376-7555
Operations/S-3: 910-449-0397
S-3 Scheduling: 910-449-0427
S-4: 910-449-0206

School of Infantry Address

The address of School of Infantry is Camp Geiger, North Carolina.

School of Infantry Website

The Website of School of Infantry is

School of Infantry Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of School of Infantry is 910-449-0658, 910-449-0223, 910-449-0247 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of School of Infantry Service Center and School of Infantry customer phone number is given below. The helpline of School of Infantry customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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