Senator Francis Escudero Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Senator Francis Escudero is (02) 8335034 .
Francis Joseph Guevara Escudero, or Chiz is one of the youngest lawmaker.
He is the member of Senate and he born in October 10, 1969
Fax number 02-8338765 (born . The senate considered him one of the Youngest politician of the senate. The senate is engaged in public matters like Environment, Education, Justice and Human right, Food security and the issues related to well fare of the society.
Lord Chancellor of the senate is Alpha Phi Beta.
Chiz had won the Most Admired TV Personality
Asia's Idol, Legislator of the Year, (Philippine Media Research and Progress Report, Inc.), Sept., outstanding Public Servant of the Year
Most Outstanding Congressman of the Year etc. The address and contact number of Senator Francis Escudero is also used for Senator francis Chiz Escudero, Senator Chiz Escudero office address, Senator Chiz Escudero biography, Senator Chiz Escudero and heart evangelista, Senator Chiz Escudero proposal, Senator Chiz Escudero profile and Senator Chiz Escudero achievements.

Senator Francis Escudero Address

The address of Senator Francis Escudero is Rm. 517, Senate of the Philippines, GSIS Compound, Passay City, Philippines..

Senator Francis Escudero Website

The Website of Senator Francis Escudero is

Senator Francis Escudero Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Senator Francis Escudero is (02) 8335034 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Senator Francis Escudero Service Center and Senator Francis Escudero customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Senator Francis Escudero customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Senator Francis Escudero. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Senator Francis Escudero will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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