Sm Gensan Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Sm Gensan is +63 83 552 7647 .
SM Gensan is known as Sm City General Santos. It is a shopping Mall situated at San Miguel Street, General Santos, Mindanao, Philippines. Sm City General Santos mall is one of the chain of SM Supermalls. The mall is owned by SM Prime Holdings Inc. The company operates more than 43 shopping mall in Philippines. SM City General Santos mall was opened on 10 August 2012. It has total floor area of 95,764 square meters. SM Supermalls has also SM Cares. The mall internally connects a variety of both local and international shops including- SM Department Store, SM Supermarket, Toy Kingdom, Breadtalk, Congo Grille, Max's and Bench. This mall has a food court, four cinemas and parking slots for 1,500 vehicles. The address and contact number of Sm Gensan is also used for Sm Gensan Cinema Now Showing, Sm Gensan Cinema, Sm Gensan Restaurants, Sm Gensan Hiring, Sm Gensan Skyscrapercity, Sm Gensan Cinema Schedule, Sm Gensan Threads and Sm Gensan Cinema Showing.

Sm Gensan Address

The address of Sm Gensan is Corner Santiago Boulevard and San Miguel Street, General Santos, Mindanao, Philippines.

Sm Gensan Website

The Website of Sm Gensan is

Sm Gensan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sm Gensan is +63 83 552 7647 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sm Gensan Service Center and Sm Gensan customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Sm Gensan customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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