St Davids Hall Cardiff Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of St Davids Hall Cardiff is +44 29 2087 8444 .
St Davids Hall Cardiff is a concert hall in Cardiff City of England. It was built in the year 1982 and is used for several purposes like musical shows such as jazz, soul, pop, rock, and other public gatherings and became host for several dance competitions held over the region, children's, r&b as well as light entertainment artists like Joan Collins. The hall was designed by the Seymour Harris Partnership architect forum that is quite familiar in the country. One of the major events held at the Hall is Bbc Cardiff Singer of the World competition. The address and contact number of St Davids Hall Cardiff is also used for St David's Hall Cardiff Hotels, St David's Hall Cardiff Frozen, St David's Hall Cardiff Parking, St David's Hall Cardiff Capacity and St David's Hall Cardiff Seating Plan .

St Davids Hall Cardiff Address

The address of St Davids Hall Cardiff is The Hayes Cardiff CF10 1AH, United Kingdom.

St Davids Hall Cardiff Website

The Website of St Davids Hall Cardiff is

St Davids Hall Cardiff Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of St Davids Hall Cardiff is +44 29 2087 8444 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of St Davids Hall Cardiff Service Center and St Davids Hall Cardiff customer phone number is given below. The helpline of St Davids Hall Cardiff customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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