Sulzer Burnaby Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Sulzer Burnaby is +1-604-415-7903, +1-604-328-3077, Fax No- +1-604-415-7901 .
Sulzer Limited was born in 1834 at Winterthur, Switzerland and it is a leading manufacturer of industrial engineering products. Sulzer provides a wide variety of services and products including Agitators Mixers, Dispensers, Auto Components, Aero Components, Turbine Components, Coating Equipment, Coating Materials, Coating Services, Elector Mechanical Services, General Mechanical Services, Mining Equipment, Process Technology, Pumps Systems, Pump Services, Separation Technology, Tower Field Services, Turbo Machinery Services etc. The company works under the four main divisions like Sulzer Pumps, Sulzer Metco, Sulzer Chemtech and Sulzer Turbo Services. Sulzer Pumps is one of the authorised service centers of Sulzer, which is located in Lozells Avenue, V5A 2Z5 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

Sulzer Burnaby Address

The address of Sulzer Burnaby is No-4129 Lozells Avenue, V5A 2Z5 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

Sulzer Burnaby Website

The Website of Sulzer Burnaby is

Sulzer Burnaby Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sulzer Burnaby is +1-604-415-7903, +1-604-328-3077, Fax No- +1-604-415-7901 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sulzer Burnaby Service Center and Sulzer Burnaby customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Sulzer Burnaby customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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