Swansea Grand Theatre Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Swansea Grand Theatre is +44(0)-1792-475715 .
The Grand Theatre of the Swansea is a Majestic venue of performing art and visual arts. It provides stages to the newcomers and professional artists who perform plays, mimicry and classical dance of the British Style. It is the Royal theater situated on the Singleton Street and designed by the famous former architect the William Hope. This is a one thousand seated hall constructed during 1897 and inaugurated by the Adelina Patti, who was the famous Opera singer of the nineteenth century. In addition, a small Studio and change rooms are also available in the building premises. The address and contact number of Swansea Grand Theatre is also used for Swansea Grand Theatre John Bishop, Swansea Grand Theatre Seating Plan, Swansea Grand Theatre Seating Plan Stalls, Swansea Grand Theatre Scooby Doo, Swansea Grand Theatre Parking, Swansea Grand Theatre Pantomime, Swansea Grand Theatre Jobs and Swansea Grand Theatre Club .

Swansea Grand Theatre Address

The address of Swansea Grand Theatre is Singleton Street, Swansea, SA13QJ, Wales, United Kingdom.

Swansea Grand Theatre Email Address

The email address of Swansea Grand Theatre is swansea.grandmarketing@swansea.gov.uk.

Swansea Grand Theatre Website

The Website of Swansea Grand Theatre is www.swanseasgrand.co.uk.

Swansea Grand Theatre Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Swansea Grand Theatre is +44(0)-1792-475715 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Swansea Grand Theatre Service Center and Swansea Grand Theatre customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Swansea Grand Theatre customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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