Tamiu Bursars Office Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Tamiu Bursars Office is (956) 326-2140 .
Texas AM International University (TAMIU) is an international university poised at the Gateway to Mexico and serving as the cultural and intellectual hub of a vibrant multilingual and multicultural community. A Member of The Texas AM University System since 1989, TAMIU provides over 7000 students with a learning environment anchored by the highest quality programs built on a solid academic foundation in the arts and sciences. It offers a range of baccalaureate and masters programs and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in International Business. Programs feature a progressive international agenda for global study and understanding across all disciplines. The University is authorized to develop joint degree programs with Mexican and Canadian institutions of higher education. Texas AM International University, Laredo, International University, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral degrees, online, high student retention rate, U.S-Mexico location, low-cost, one of 40 Most Affordable Colleges, lowest net price among public four year universities, Top 15 Most Affordable Bachelor’s degrees, affordable undergraduate and graduate degrees, Biggest bang for buck, best value for tuition dollar, ranked for alumni earnings above expectation, integrated study abroad, internship programs

Tamiu Bursars Office Address

The address of Tamiu Bursars Office is Bursar's Office 5201 University Blvd Laredo, TX 78041.

Tamiu Bursars Office Email Address

The email address of Tamiu Bursars Office is businessoffice@tamiu.edu.

Tamiu Bursars Office Website

The Website of Tamiu Bursars Office is http://www.tamiu.edu.

Tamiu Bursars Office Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Tamiu Bursars Office is (956) 326-2140 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Tamiu Bursars Office Service Center and Tamiu Bursars Office customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Tamiu Bursars Office customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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