Train Station Modena Italy Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Train Station Modena Italy is +39 0532 979311 .
The Modena Railway Station is the primary station opened in July 21, 1859 and serving the city and comune of Modena. The station forms part of the Milan–Bologna railway and terminus of two additional railways connecting it with Verona and Sassuolo. The Modena Railway Station and its commercial area of passengers building are presently handled by RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) and Centostazioni. Modena railway station is located at Piazza Dante Alighieri and the station has about 6.5 thousand traveler movements each year. Approximately 257 passenger trains serve the Modena railway station each day.

Train Station Modena Italy Address

The address of Train Station Modena Italy is Piazza Dante Alighieri, MO 41100, Modena.

Train Station Modena Italy Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Train Station Modena Italy is +39 0532 979311 (Click phone number to call).

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