University of Surrey English Department Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Surrey English Department is +44(0)1483 686170 .
The School of English and Languages comes under Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences that was established in the year 2011. It is a major part of the University of Surrey. The School of English and Languages offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of modern languages, translation studies, creative writing, intercultural communications, English literature and linguistics. The head of the School of English and Languages is Professor Diane Watt. It includes two internationally-renowned research centers which are The Surrey Morphology Group and the Centre for Translation Studies. The School of English and Languages has a Watts Gallery which is devoted to the work of Victorian artist G F Watts. The University of Surrey is one of the 8 best universities in the United Kingdom. It covers the area of around 74-acres. The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The address and contact number of University of Surrey English Department is also used for University of Surrey Prospectus, University of Surrey English Entry Requirements, University of Surrey English Literature Reading List, University of Surrey English Language Requirements and University of Surrey English Courses.

Fax No: +44(0)1483 689505

University of Surrey English Department Address

The address of University of Surrey English Department is Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom.

University of Surrey English Department Website

The Website of University of Surrey English Department is

University of Surrey English Department Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Surrey English Department is +44(0)1483 686170 (Click phone number to call).

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