Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma is +1 800-742-5877 .
United Parcel Service of America Inc is a Public Courier Company. It offers Courier express services, Freight forwarding services and Logistics services. The head office of the company is situated in Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States. The chairman and chief executive officer of the company is Scott Davis. United Parcel Service of America Inc is formed in 1907 by James E. Casey in Seattle, Washington. Its subsidiaries are The Ups Store, Ups Supply Chain Solutions, UPS Capital, UPS Airlines, UPS Express Critical, UPS Freight, UPS Logistics, UPS Mail Innovations and UPS Professional Solutions. It employs more than 398,300 people. The company provides its services over 220 countries and territories all over the world. United Parcel Service of America Inc delivers nearly 15 million packages daily. The UPS started as a messenger company. The UPS is one of the world's largest express Carrier and package delivery companies.

Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma Address

The address of Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma is 90 Brick Kiln Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824, United States.

Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma Website

The Website of Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma is

Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma is +1 800-742-5877 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma Service Center and Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ups Customer Chelmsford Ma customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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