Queens Theatre London Contact Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Queens Theatre London Contact is +44 20 7812 7499, 0207 099 0930 .
Queens Theatre London is a West End Theatre located in Shaftesbury Avenue of the city of Westminster which means it is one of the largest commercial thetres in the United Kingdom. It first opened to the public on 8 October 1907 and went through renovation several times in the past years. Firstly it was decided that it was to named as Central Theatre but after lot of debate over it was given the name of Queens Theatre and Big picture of Queen Alexandra was hung there on its wall. It holds a total capacity of around 1100 to accommodate the spectators. Many of the previous popular productions at this theatre were The Hobbit, Mysteries, Umoja, The Rocky Horror Show. The address and contact number of Queens Theatre London is also used for Queens Theatre London Seating Plan, Queens Theatre London Nearest Tube, Queens Theatre London Box Office and Phantom Of The Opera London.

Queens Theatre London Contact Address

The address of Queens Theatre London Contact is 51 Shaftesbury Avenue London, Greater London W1D 6BA, United Kingdom.

Queens Theatre London Contact Website

The Website of Queens Theatre London Contact is www.queenstheatrelondon.org.uk.

Queens Theatre London Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Queens Theatre London Contact is +44 20 7812 7499, 0207 099 0930 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Queens Theatre London Contact Service Center and Queens Theatre London Contact customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Queens Theatre London Contact customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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