Phone Number of
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus is
01902-323200 .
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus is a recreational hub where students learn about sports, which is equally important for the students. Its sports include cricket, football, basketball etc. The students also learn about disease prevention and healthcare of human body, as medical seminars are organized time to time to make the students aware of disease. Moreover, there is also training facilities for music, dance in the university. The campus houses Walsall Sports Centre, The Learning Centre, Walsall Student Village, The Performance Hub, Learning technology, The Institute for Learning Enhancement and Boundary House. Moreover, around campus also has food court, bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants,
Leather Museum, New Art Gallery, Victorian park and Walsall Arboretum. The address and contact number of
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus is also used for
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Freshers,
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Reception,
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Gym,
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Performance Hub,
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Accommodation and
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Jobs .
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Address
The address of Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus is Walsall Campus Ground floor, WA Building, United Kingdom.
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Website
The Website of Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus is
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Customer Support Service Phone Number
The customer support phone number of Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus is
01902-323200 (Click phone number to call).
The postal and
official address, email address and
phone number (
helpline) of
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Service Center and
Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus customer phone number is given below. The
helpline of Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus customer phone number may or may not be
toll free.
Click Here To View Wolverhampton University Walsall Campus Customer Service Phone Numbers