Worcester Train Station Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Worcester Train Station is 0121 634 2040 .
Worcester Shrub Hill railway station is located in the east of Worcester city, and in this city, also has one other railway station, Worcester Foregate Street located in centre. The Shrub Hill railway station is being managed by London Midland, and served by First Great Western. The station was founded on October 5, 1850 to connect Worcester City people with the people of other cities of Massachusetts State. In 1865, the station building was built by Edward Wilson. It is three platforms railway station, and waiting room is located on platform 2b for old ladies. The management of London Midland provides its rail services from Worcester to Birmingham. As of 2004 to 2005 year, approximately 1.356 million passengers were traveled through this station. The address and contact number of Worcester Train Station is also used for Worcester Train Station To University, Worcester Train Station South Africa, Worcester Train Station Shrub Hill and Worcester Train Station Restaurant. Ticket collection hours: Monday to Saturday 05:10 am to 09:00 pm and Sunday 07:10 am to 09:30 pm.

Worcester Train Station Address

The address of Worcester Train Station is Rail Station, Shrub Hill, Worcester WR4 9EJ, England.

Worcester Train Station Email Address

The email address of Worcester Train Station is comments@londonmidland.com.

Worcester Train Station Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Worcester Train Station is 0121 634 2040 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Worcester Train Station Service Center and Worcester Train Station customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Worcester Train Station customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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