abk aots dosokai aminjikarai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai is 91-44-2374 0318 .
ABK - AOTS Doskai is an alumni association. It was formed by the engineers, entrepreneurs and other related professionals who had their Training with Japanese companies. The main aim of the association is to work as a bridge between Japan and India. ABK - AOTS Doskai consists of over 400 members and 800 students. ABK - AOTS Doskai also offers diverse range of technical training courses and provides industry related training. The ABK and AOTS are non profit organizations that enrolls and provide training, scholarships and related education to the Indian students in Japanese companies.

abk aots dosokai aminjikarai Address

The address of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai is 3rd Floor, Chateau 'D' Ampa, 37 (110), Nelson Manickam Road, Aminjikarai, Chennai 600 029. India.

abk aots dosokai aminjikarai Email Address

The email address of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai is rangaots@eth.net, rangaots@gmail.com.

abk aots dosokai aminjikarai Website

The Website of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai is www.abkaotschennai.com.

abk aots dosokai aminjikarai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai is 91-44-2374 0318 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai Service Center and abk aots dosokai aminjikarai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of abk aots dosokai aminjikarai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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