akkalkot swami samarth math Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of akkalkot swami samarth math is 022 - 2 633 30 30 .
Swami Samarth Maharaj also known as Akkalkot Swami Maharaj of Akkalkot was an Indian Guru of the Dattatreya tradition. He was a 19th-century saint who is believed by his devotees to be an incarnation of God Dattatreya. Swami Samarth came to Akkalkot in 1856 and stayed there for 22 years on the outskirts of the town. Some of the points (teachings) based on statements made by Shri Swami Samartha on different occasions include Have firm belief that it is God alone exists in every seen and unseen thing in this universe, Earn your livelihood through sincere efforts, Try to purify your mind too as you try to maintain external sanctity of the body, Do actions without expecting any rewards etc.

akkalkot swami samarth math Address

The address of akkalkot swami samarth math is Off Four Bunglows, Andheri (West), MUMBAI 400 053 Maharashtra State INDIA.

akkalkot swami samarth math Email Address

The email address of akkalkot swami samarth math is dhananjay.pujari@yahoo.in.

akkalkot swami samarth math Website

The Website of akkalkot swami samarth math is shriswamisamarth.info.

akkalkot swami samarth math Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of akkalkot swami samarth math is 022 - 2 633 30 30 (Click phone number to call).

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