alibris books Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of alibris books is (510) 594-4586 .
Alibris is an online portal for buying and selling of new and used books, music and movies as well as rare and collectible titles. It was launched in 1998 by Martin Manley in California, USA. Since its inception Alibris went on to become the largest online marketplace for independent sellers. It has more than 160 million books to offer from a network of over 15,000 booksellers in 70 countries. It connects sellers directly to the end customers. Alibris also sells books to libraries and other institutions. It allows sellers list their inventories on Alibris which in turn offers the books on its retail website, a separate library services site and business to business partners such as Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Chapters Indigo

alibris books Address

The address of alibris books is 1250 45th Street, Suite 100, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA.

alibris books Email Address

The email address of alibris books is

alibris books Website

The Website of alibris books is

alibris books Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of alibris books is (510) 594-4586 (Click phone number to call).

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