amathole district municipality Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of amathole district municipality is 043 701 4000, 072 768 0238 .
Amathole is one of the 7 districts of Eastern Cape province of South Africa. It was established after the first transformed local government elections in December 2000. Amathole is surrounded by Chris Hani District to the north, Cacadu District to west, OR Tambo District to the north-east and the Indian Ocean to the south-east. The local municipalities of Amathole district include Mnquma, Mbhashe, Amahlathi, Great Kei, Ngqushwa etc. The population of Amathole comprises of Black African, Coloured, White and Indian/Asian with about over 90% of its people speaking Xhosa language. The other languages spoken in Amathole include English, Afrikaans, Sign language, Sotho, Tswana, Swati etc. Amathole political parties include African National Congress, Democratic Alliance, Freedom Front Plus, Minority Front, Christian Democratic Party, Azanian People's Organisation among others. Amathole District’s manufacturing sectors include automotive, textile, electronics, food-processing industries etc.

amathole district municipality Address

The address of amathole district municipality is Eastern Cape, South Africa.

amathole district municipality Email Address

The email address of amathole district municipality is

amathole district municipality Website

The Website of amathole district municipality is

amathole district municipality Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of amathole district municipality is 043 701 4000, 072 768 0238 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of amathole district municipality Service Center and amathole district municipality customer phone number is given below. The helpline of amathole district municipality customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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