aria taheri Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of aria taheri is 0161 248 1638, 0844 999 2499 .
Aria Taheri is the founder of Aria Technology, which is a retailer company of PC components and systems. He was born in Iran in 1967 and migrated to England in 1984. In the early part of his life, Aria Taheri worked as a waiter and as a member of a network marketing company selling water filters. Aria Taheri founded Aria Technology in the 1990's that initially specialised in memory modules and later-on moved to assembling whole computers from components and selling them on the internet. He can be reached on twitter at @ariataheri.

aria taheri Address

The address of aria taheri is Aria House Belle Vue Avenue Pottery Lane Manchester M12 4AS.

aria taheri Email Address

The email address of aria taheri is

aria taheri Website

The Website of aria taheri is

aria taheri Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of aria taheri is 0161 248 1638, 0844 999 2499 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of aria taheri Service Center and aria taheri customer phone number is given below. The helpline of aria taheri customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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