chicken tikka inn al barsha Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of chicken tikka inn al barsha is +97142632463 .
Chicken Tikka Al Barsha Inn is one of the oldest and finest charcoal barbeque grill restaurant chain based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was established in the the year 1972 as a small outlet in Deira. Chicken Tikka Al Barsha offers a vast range of food product and cuisines. Some of the food products offered by Chicken Tikka Al Barsha are Hummus, Lentil Soup, Chicken Corn Soup, Hot and Sour Soup (Chicken), Fish Fingers and Chips, Raita, Fresh Green Salad, Kachumar Salad, French Fries, Kebab Roll (Chicken Or Mutton), Chicken Tikka, Chicken Tandoori Boti, Chicken Behari Kebab, Chicken Malai Boti, Mutton Seekh Kebab, Fish Tikka, Mix Grill (Chicken and Mutton), Caspian Special Kabab, Mutton Tikka, Mix Grill (Chicken, Mutton and Fish), Chicken Reshmi Kebab, butter chicken and garlic naan. Chicken Tikka Al Barsha also offers various beverages and shakes. It also offers Indoor and Outdoor Catering Services

chicken tikka inn al barsha Address

The address of chicken tikka inn al barsha is BARSHA—BEHIND MALL OF EMIRATES, Dubai, UAE.

chicken tikka inn al barsha Email Address

The email address of chicken tikka inn al barsha is

chicken tikka inn al barsha Website

The Website of chicken tikka inn al barsha is

chicken tikka inn al barsha Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of chicken tikka inn al barsha is +97142632463 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of chicken tikka inn al barsha Service Center and chicken tikka inn al barsha customer phone number is given below. The helpline of chicken tikka inn al barsha customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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chicken tikka inn al barsha Customer Phone Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

No complaints and reviews so far for chicken tikka inn al barsha.To add review or complaint against chicken tikka inn al barsha Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against chicken tikka inn al barsha. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that chicken tikka inn al barsha will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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