dr felicia axelrod Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of dr felicia axelrod is 212-263-7225 .
Felicia B. Axelrod is a Pediatrician in New York. She is the Director of the Dysautonomia Treatment and Evaluation Center. Felicia B. Axelrod has also served as the President of the American Autonomic Society. She has been in practice for more than 40 years and is one of the doctors at NYU Langone Medical Center and at New York Downtown Hospital. Felicia B. Axelrod has also published her works on Genetic autonomic disorders, Relationship between proprioception at the knee joint and gait ataxia in HSAN III, A trial of carbidopa for vomiting crises in familial dysautonomia etc.

dr felicia axelrod Address

The address of dr felicia axelrod is 530 FIRST AVENUE, SKIRBALL 9Q SILVERSTEIN ELEVATORS NEW YORK, NY 10016.

dr felicia axelrod Email Address

The email address of dr felicia axelrod is contact@familialdysautonomia.org.

dr felicia axelrod Website

The Website of dr felicia axelrod is www.familialdysautonomia.org.

dr felicia axelrod Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of dr felicia axelrod is 212-263-7225 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of dr felicia axelrod Service Center and dr felicia axelrod customer phone number is given below. The helpline of dr felicia axelrod customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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